Thursday, February 3, 2011

Soybean Salad

Hello everyone.
It's been a while and I apologize...

Let's open up with a very simple soybean salad that I enjoyed for lunch yesterday.
As shared earlier, soybeans are excellent sources of protein and fiber.
This bowl of soybean salad is about 550 calories.  Some might argue that a small hamburger can also be around 550 calories, but as shared before, these are very nutritious and healthy calories instead of the fatty calories that are in burgers.  Remember, not all calories are created equal.  We must weigh out the nutritional value of the food we eat along with the calories.  The sweet yellow peppers contain tons of vitamin C and tomatoes contain a good amount of vitamin A and C.... all with 0 grams of cholesterol. 

Now, enough with the lecture (nagging)... here is the quick recipe.

-  1 cup of cooked brown soybeans.  (376 calories)
-  1 Roma or medium size tomato (20 calories)
-  1 yellow sweet/bell pepper (50 calories)
-  1 tsp of sweet-hot mustard (10 calories)
-  1 tsp of lemon juice (5 calories)
-  2 tsp of olive oil (80 calories)

Mix the sweet-hot mustard, lemon juice and the olive oil in the bowl you will eat out of.  This is your dressing.  Then,  throw the cooked and chilled soybeans into the same bowl along with the diced tomato and peppers.  Try to dice them into sizes no bigger than the soybeans.  Now, toss the salad and enjoy!

Quick Tip #1: It's good to have some precooked/boiled soybeans in the refrigerator.  You can blend it as a quick homemade soy milk or use it in a simple salad recipe like this one. 

Quick Tip #2:  My wife and I came across this brand of sweet hot mustard.  It is the best I've had so far. 

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