Sunday, January 23, 2011

Baked/Stuffed bell peppers

This is a near-vegetarian dish that I enjoyed with my wife on Friday.
This recipe will make 2 servings with less than 300 calories per serving and enjoy it for lunch with a small glass of orange or apple juice to make it a 400 calorie meal.  

2 green bell peppers (medium - large) - 60 calorie
3 cups of steamed spinach - 120 calories
1 large egg - 80 calories
2 wedges of Laughing Cow Light Creamy Swiss - 70 calories
pinch of paprika - 5 calories
2 slices of Swiss cheese - 200 calories

First, we will prepare the spinach.  I used about 5-6 cups of raw baby spinach and steamed them quickly in the microwave.  It only takes about a minute and thirty seconds to steam the spinach in a bowl in the microwave.  Once the spinach is cooked, put the spinach in a zip lock bag and throw the 2 wedges of the creamy Swiss cheese and mush/mix them around in the bag, then set the bag in the freezer to cool.

As the spinach/cheese filling cools, wash the bell peppers and cut the stem part of the bell pepper about 1/2 inch from the top.  This should give you a cup-like bell pepper.  Click here to see a quick video I found on YouTube that should help you see how this is done better.

Now should be a good time to preheat the oven to 450 degrees while you finish preparing the peppers.

Crack and beat one egg in a bowl.  Then, take the spinach/cheese filling from the freezer and pour the egg into the zip lock bag and mush/mix them into a nice thick filling.

Prepare a cookie/baking pan and cover it with aluminum foil and lightly grease it with olive oil.  Then, take the bell peppers and fill them with the spinach-cheese-egg filling to the top.  Once the peppers are filled, you can season it lightly with some paprika.

Now, place the filled bell peppers on the greased pan and place it in the oven.  TIP: if the bell peppers are not standing up nicely because of an uneven bottom shape, crumple up some aluminum foil and place the bell pepper on it to help it stand.  You can see how I also did this in my picture above.

Bake the peppers until the spinach/cheese/egg filling gets firm (roughly about 30 minutes).
Once the filling is firm (check by poking it with a fork), place a slice of cheese over it and let it melt for a few minutes and take them out of the oven.

Let the peppers cool for about 5 minutes and enjoy!

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