Thursday, January 20, 2011

Today's Lunch

- Chicken breast fillet
- pan grilled eggplant & tomatoes with light pepper seasoning. (no salt)
- small glass of OJ.

Total estimated calories - 350.

This is a well balanced portion of protein, vegetables and fruit.

Later on, I will have 6 small sweet peppers as a snack. They are an
excellent source of vitamins A & C.


  1. Oh sure. Here is the recipe. It's very simple.

    1 medium sized eggplant sliced into 1/4 inch disks.
    1 roma tomato sliced into 1/4 inch disks.
    Roughly about 4 ounces of chicken breast.

    Heat pan and drizzle some olive oil on medium heat.
    Place eggplant slices on pan and lightly season with black pepper.
    Flip over the eggplants after about 3-4 minutes. Slowly cooking the eggplant allows moisture to evaporate and leaves the eggplant nice and fleshy/meaty.

    If there is room left on the pan, start cooking the chicken breast in the middle of the pan while the eggplant slices are cooking on the outside perimeter of the pan.

    Continue flipping/cooking the eggplant until they are nicely browned. (about 10 minutes).
    Then, when the chicken and the eggplant are pretty much done cooking, place the sliced tomatoes on the pan and grill them lightly. It is very easy for them to get overcooked and get mushy.

    If all is timed well, the chicken, eggplant and the tomatoes should be ready to eat at the same time.

    I used very little seasong, but use salt, pepper and even some dried basil flakes to add flavor.
