Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A new attitude about Food

Many people have been surprised about my weight loss.  So far, I have lost about 80 pounds from my peak weight.  It has taken about 6 months so far and there really wasn't a special secret, but a shift in mindset and eating habits.  I figured I should write down some of my "techniques" or rather my "approaches" to eating healthy.

     I started treating FOOD as a necessity rather than "joy" or even "entertainment".  I think we are all a bit guilty of using FOOD and EATING as a form of fun and entertainment.  This meant that I had to find new and better ways to keep me entertained and happy.  My new fun and entertainment was seeing the numbers go down on the scale.  Each day, I asked myself.  Does the joy of eating (satisfying my taste-buds) outweigh the joy of seeing the numbers go down on the scale?  This attitude allowed me to sort of "neglect" and belittle FOOD and EATING.
      However, this does not mean I starved myself everyday.  One of the keys to losing weight is to have eat regularly and on-time.  As a result, I made sure that I had 3 meals a day and even squeezed in healthy snacks, but while maintaining the attitude that "I only need food to not be hungry and give my body the energy it needs... nothing more, nothing less."

If you are serious about losing those extra pounds, let this mindset sink in.
I will start sharing more details of how and what I eat now.

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